Application Packet

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  • Application Packet

    Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician, and educator believed that no human being is educated by another person. He must do it himself, or it will never be done. A truly educated individual continues learning long after the hours and years he spends in the classroom because he is motivated from within by a natural curiosity and love for knowledge. Dr. Montessori felt that the goal of early childhood education should not be to fill the child with isolated facts from a pre-selected course of studies, but rather to cultivate his own natural desire to learn.

    In the Montessori classroom we approach this objective in two ways; first, by allowing the child to experience the excitement and joy of learning by his own choice, rather than by pressure or force from the adult; second, by helping him to perfect the use of his natural tools for learning so that his ability will be at a maximum in future learning situations. The Montessori materials have this dual long-range purpose in addition to their immediate purpose of giving specific information to the child. In the classroom, the child is invited to handle the materials and work at his own periods of interest and readiness. In The Children's House, the emotional, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual aspects of your child's growth are all of equal importance. The "prepared environment" of the Montessori classroom ministers to the needs of the "Whole Child".

    In "The Absorbent Mind", Dr. Montessori wrote, "The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one — the period from birth to age six. For that is the time when man's intelligence itself, his greatest implement, is formed. But not only his intelligence, the full totality of his physic (mental) powers. At no other age has the child greater need of intelligent help, and any obstacle that impedes his creative work will lessen the chance he has of achieving perfection."

    It is in this spirit that we invite your child to take part in a unique educational opportunity in an environment prepared especially for his needs and interests. Our curriculum includes language, mathematics, geometry, geography, history, pre-history, botany, biology, foreign language, music, and art. Ours is a house where your child may work and grow at his own pace. The class and activity rooms, equipped with Montessori apparatus and both conventional and improvised materials, are part of a total concept of education that extends the "classroom" to the natural environment, the home, and the community.

    We cordially invite you to visit and observe the children in the class, any Tuesday or Thursday at 9:00 am. An appointment is necessary. An enrollment fee of $100.00 will hold a place for your child for the coming year or sooner.

    Thank you for your interest.

    The Children's House Montessori School.

    The Children's House Montessori School was founded in 1973 by Nancy Hall Scott and Dr. Whit Hall. The first classes were held at 219 N. Cedar Street.

    In 1975 the school moved to its present location at 4023 Lee Avenue.

    Admission Statement

    The Children's House Montessori School admits students of any race, color, creed, national and ethnic origin to all programs and activities. The Children's House does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies and programs.

    Admission Procedure

    Parents are advised to obtain information, visit & observe, before submitting an application for enrollment. After the school receives the application form and fee, the child's name is placed on the waiting list if no immediate opening is available. Other forms required at placement include Personal History, signed Discipline Form, completed Emergency Information Cards, and a current immunization record.

    Acceptance and Enrolment

    Acceptance of the applicant is based principally on the child's adaptability to the program as determined by the child-teacher-parent-administrator interviews, and the parent's expectations of the school's program.

    Order of acceptance prerequisites are as follows:

    1. currently enrolled students
    2. siblings of currently enrolled students/or legacies
    3. children with previous Montessori schooling
    4. new applicants.

    Once a student is enrolled, he/she is given a trial period to become acclimatized to the environment. If the child is considered to be a hazard to himself/herself, or to the well-being of other members of the classroom (including staff) conferences will be held with the parents and teachers. If the situation is not corrected, conferences with the Administrator will follow. Parents must be willing to work with the teachers for the benefit and well-being of the student, the teacher, and the school community. If after a series of conferences the situation has not improved, the parents will be requested to find another placement for their child.